Take the personalized event experiences quiz! Collect valuable data to personalize the attendee journey

What you need to know

  • Pre-event quizzes are an unobtrusive way to gather attendee data that you can use to personalize their experience.
  • The questions you ask don’t have to be complicated, long or full of caveats to receive useful attendee preferences.
  • What you do with their answers should align to the event goal and create emotional connections.

This is part one of a two-part series focused on using participant data to deliver meaningful attendee experiences. (Read part two.)

There are a seemingly endless number of creative, unique experiences you can offer attendees—limited only by imagination and budget. But where do you begin?

Use the data available and start collecting more

Opportunities abound to use data to deliver a curated, meaningful attendee experience. For example:

  • Raise the bar for top performers with highly customized luxury experiences on their incentive travel program group trip
  • Build trust with sales reps after sales kickoffs by listening to their feedback and following up with personalized communications and training opportunities
  • Create sophisticated community-driven connections through segmentation and machine learning at your user conference

While some data collection methods can be sophisticated, sometimes a simple approach is enough to yield the right results.

Introduce engaging quizzes early in the attendee journey

Quizzes are a fun, unobtrusive way to get attendees engaged pre-event and collect valuable data. By collecting and using data creatively, you can create an emotional connection with attendees and make them feel valued and known. If you understand what makes attendees tick then your marketing program can adapt over time and become even more effective and efficient.

Don’t forget: Every interaction you have with an event attendee is a potential data point that can be used to inform your next engagement with them, and to achieve your business outcomes.

To illustrate a simple quiz method of data collection, we invite you to discover how a deceptively fun, simple quiz can collect valuable personal information. Imagine… You’ve just been notified you’ve won an incentive trip, and your partner gets to come along, too. Included in your initial communications package is a short Buzzfeed-style quiz that asks you to “Pack a Bag & We’ll Tell You Your Travel Future.”

Let’s get started!