Empowering employees around the globe to embrace fresh corporate values

After being acquired by a global parent company, this rapidly growing medical device company was challenged to define the values that made them…them.

employee recognition education video

Without existing values for employees to identify with, organizational leaders reached out to ITA Group for help uncovering the employee behaviors needed to create and maintain a strong culture and achieve business success. They knew awareness mattered, and they’d need guidance to first define and then connect employees with the values to understand how their unique contributions impact the overall success of the company. 

On-site collaboration clarified needs and solidified vision

Determining the organization’s values was just the first step, because getting new values to take root requires buy-in across the entire organization. The next phase was an on-site discovery session that allowed ITA Group to observe the existing culture and collaborate with stakeholders to better understand their vision. 

Aligning employees with an employer brand campaign

Along with one-on-one employee conversations and a campus tour, the working discovery session with leaders laid the groundwork for the development and rollout of an employer brand campaign. The vision? Introduce employees to new core values, encourage behaviors that connect with the values, and ultimately, enhance culture. The campaign was branded Step Above, an empowering call-to-action that aligned employees and grounded them in a shared understanding of what the core values meant for the organization and to them as individuals.

Connecting employees around the globe (no matter where or how they work)

Highly regulated medical worksites. Office-based desk associates. Plant-based deskless associates. Multiple languages. And more. A multimedia campaign was designed to meet employees where they were and deliver the Step Above message with resounding clarity.

Training workshop equipped leaders to embody new values

“It starts at the top” was a mantra adopted prior to rollout, and a face-to-face workshop for the organization’s global marketing team was the top priority. Led by ITA Group employee engagement experts, the employee event generated excitement for and adoption of the new values. To boost tactical and personal relevance, ITA Group consultants guided the large group through a variety of hands-on activities designed to meaningfully connect attendees with the marketing team’s work and the new core values. 

Workshop highlights 

Culture-based activities

Showed leaders how team members’ day-to-day work connects with and supports core values (e.g. when a team member collaborates with peers to develop enterprise marketing strategies, “teamwork” and “innovation” core values are on display.) 

Group mapping activity

Presented cross-functional groups with a problem statement and challenged attendees to brainstorm a solution; the exercise supported real-time understanding that different and diverse perspectives can yield a richer result.

Ambassadors supported a grassroots rollout

Leadership selected 100 Step Above ambassadors to ensure a seamless and meaningful launch across its widespread employee base. Besides serving as the face of the rollout on a location-by-location basis across offices and manufacturing facilities, ambassadors were trained to assemble and position on-site signage and distribute branded swag. 

The impact has employees showing up a Step Above

The campaign has positively impacted culture and driven desired behaviors, and is creating a more connected, aligned organization. Overall, it clarifies cultural expectations while helping employees see how their individual contributions impact overall corporate success, especially when they show up a Step Above.

[ITA Group] did a fantastic job and made a very positive impact across seven departments (Human Resources, Quality Assurance, Regulatory Affairs, Marketing, Medical Affairs, Europe-Middle East-Africa Business Development and Clinical Research) that will spread throughout [the organization and extend to] our customers and partners throughout the world.

SVP of Global Marketing