[Calendar] 30 unique ways to celebrate employee wellness month

By: ITA Group

Every June, Employee Wellness Month is celebrated across the U.S. It’s an opportunity for employers and organizations to enhance existing wellness programs and encourage their employees to take proactive steps for improved physical, mental and emotional well-being in the workplace.

To truly build a more resilient workforce in 2024 and beyond, employers should prioritize well-being, which is the state of being comfortable, healthy and happy. Well-being can be achieved when mind, body and sense of purpose lead to positive self-esteem and improved satisfaction both personally and professionally.

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Prioritize holistic well-being

According to Gallup, employers that care about the health and wellbeing of their employees see measurable benefits, like higher productivity, profitability and lower turnover. In fact, employees who strongly agree that their employer cares about their overall wellbeing, compared with other employees, are:

  • 69% less likely to search for a new job
  • 71% less likely to report experiencing burnout
  • 36% more likely to be thriving in their lives
  • 3x more likely to be engaged at work
  • 5x more likely to strongly advocate for their company as a place to work

Additionally, many workers place work-life balance and personal well-being at the top of their priority list when choosing to stay or leave an organization—so make sure you’re embracing Employee Wellness Month by appreciating the whole employee, 24/7/365.

Well-being is important for leaders like you, too. A survey shows burnout is on the rise, particularly among HR practitioners. To help you find small yet significant ways you can recharge, we’ve collected a few of our favorite well-being ideas into this handy Employee Wellness Month Calendar.

2024 Wellbeing Month calendar infographic

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